Faith Beyond Belief

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The Bible Keeps Its Promises—The Miracle of Christmas

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The Miracle of Christmas

Abraham named the son who was born to him—the one Sarah bore to him—Isaac.

~ Genesis 21:3

In yesterday’s reading God had promised Sarah that she would give birth to a son “about this time next year” (Gen. 18:10), which sounded so crazy Sarah laughed at the very idea. But God never fails to keep His promises, partly because faithfulness is an essential part of His character, and partly because His sovereignty means He is always able to keep His promises. Just as promised, Sarah conceived and gave birth to a son while well into her nineties. The text tells us that Abraham named his son Isaac (Hebrew for laughter), probably because the little boy laughed early and promised to be a happy child. But Sarah was laughing too. God had made this barren woman happy beyond words. Christmas is the most joyful celebration in the world because this is when we celebrate the moment that proved beyond all doubt, we serve a good God loves us and keeps all His promises Parting Thought: If we really believe that God is good, and that He keeps His promises, why do we doubt God from time to time?