Faith Beyond Belief

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The Bible Keeps It’s Promises—The Reason for Christmas

The Reason for Christmas

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. ~ Genesis 3:15

It is the boast of Faith Beyond Belief (all Christians, really) that we can trust the Bible as the Word of God because it keeps its promises; that is, unlike every other ancient book, all Biblical prophecies are eventually fulfilled. Consider this. The story of Christmas is one of the oldest stories in the Bible, since it starts in the third chapter of Genesis when only two people lived on the earth. By disobeying God and eating the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve ceased to be holy and happy, and instead became sinful and miserable. Moreover, because they did not believe God, every one of their descendants is also born into a state of sin and misery. This explains why children disobey their parents, and also why all of us do hurtful things to one another. But this passage also contains the first nugget of hope found in the Bible. In verse 15 God declares that in the future someone will be born of a woman who will crush the devil’s head and thereby reverse the ruin of mankind (the verse contains a hint toward the virgin birth; notice the snake’s-head crusher will the “seed” of a woman). There’s a song that says, “The reason for Christmas is Jesus,” and that is true. But the deeper reason for Christmas is that we as human beings needed someone to rescue us from the misery of sin.